These examples are from Friends of the Earth's public facing campaigns. The challenge: to communicate complex messages in ways that were concise and attention-grabbing, and which avoided preaching or lecturing. I worked closely with campaigners, writers and illustrators in the examples below to find the right creative approach.


Campaign for Safer Chemicals

The brief: A resource or resources for parents required to give facts about the use of unsafe chemicals in household products, and inspire parents to join the solution – the Campaign for Safer Chemicals.

The solution: 'Chemicals in the Home'. A multifunctional single pack, designed as a 6 page drop down folding up to an A5 package, using tear-offs, slits to anchor postcards for parents to send to MPs, and a useful gift – an attractive height chart.

The pack was distributed by the National Childbirth Trust and proved very popular.


Biofuels campaign

The brief: find a concept to communicate to the general public the message that biofuels are not a viable alternative to
fossil fuels. 

The result: 'Take a closer look' – a petrol nozzle pumping out stylised biofuel which at first glance looks pretty, but a closer look reveals the darker truth …

I worked with illustrator Tomi Vollauschek to create the image which I then used in a range of printed materials.

The Thames Gateway campaign

The brief: to show people living in East London how a super highway bridge across the Thames would affect them adversely,
and what they could do to register an protest. The audience was mixed, often with English as a second language and unversed in the world of campaigning. The message needed to be put across in a way that was accessible and easily understood. 

The solution: 'A Bridge too Far…' a hand-out leaflet written and designed as a graphic novel/comic where the pictures are as important as the words.

Renewable energy campaign

The brief: find a concept to communicate to the general public the need for public pressure on Government to commit to
renewable energy.

The solution: 'Join the energy revolution', using a graffiti-style visual to suggest the idea of a developing underground
movement towards a better world.


Campaign for Green Trade Justice

The brief: to communicate in a way that is instantly accessible the idea of green trade justice – that human rights, big business and the environment are all linked together and can't be treated seperately. 

The solution: 'Thumbs up to Green Trade Justice', using simple, direct language and a thumbs up icon merging into pictures of positive alternatives to the massive scale, industrialised model of trading, showing that there is another way. 


Recruitment materials for Friends of the Earth Local Groups

The brief: design eye-catching recruitment materials that are engaging, human and simple.

The solution:
•'Make your mark' poster and hand-out leaflet. The leaflet is printed on one side, blank on the other. Groups were given a Word template to modify with their own details and print onto the blank side of the leaflet.
•'Looking for a date?' poster to put up in shops and libraries, designed to stand out from other similar posters and using humour to introduce a light-hearted tone.